Shadow boxes…

I’m not a really sentimental person, so when I do wish to display a memory, I want to do so in an organized yet capturing way.  Shadow boxes are a wonderful way of accomplishing this.

I put these together for our wedding and our friends Lauren and Daniel…

This shadow box is filled with all our wedding cards as well as other special cards.  I can open and read them anytime I want…


Another box I made was for my friend after the loss of his dog, Chance…


This shadow box is filled with memories of my grandparents and great-aunt.  My great-aunt used to have this beautiful ceramic watering pot with a music box device which played “Oh what a beautiful morning”.  As a Child I would listen to it over and over.  Unfortunately I dropped the piece and shattered it, but i kept the musical device.  In this shadow box, I cut a hole in the back and secured the music box device in it.  I’m now able to listen to my favorite song anytime I wish.  It’s definitely a favorite piece.

Memories don’t always have to be kept in a scrapbook or a box never to be seen.  Sometimes a little creativity will keep a memory alive forever.

Until next time,


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